Haskell Optimization Handbook

by Jeffrey M. Young

This book assumes you are using ghc 9.2.x or above and using the Linux operating system. If you are new then the best place to start is the How to use this book chapter. If you are returning then feel free to jump to the Table of Contents and best wishes. It is dangerous to go alone, please take this handbook and good luck!


The Contributors of the Haskell Optimization Handbook.


While there are a number of community contributors to the book, the main author and project lead is Jeffrey M. Young, who was generously sponsored in this work by Input Output Global.

Release History

  • April, 2024

  • February, 2024

  • March/April, 2023

  • February, 2023

    • Lambda lifting chapter first draft finished.

    • Update sphinx-exec-directive documentation on ways to run Haskell code.

  • January, 2023

  • December, 2022

    • Weigh chapter first draft finished.

  • November, 2022

    • Eventlog chapter now has interactive heap profiles

    • Begin draft of Weigh chapter

  • October, 2022

    • Add first draft of eventlog chapter.

    • Add code snippets.

  • September, 2022

    • Add Release History to splash page.

    • End of Phase 0 in project plan.

    • Begin process of moving book repository to Haskell Foundation.